Categorie Moustache

Maximum fun, minimal maintenance!

Welcome to our latest dream, Project BOX 46. We are super hyped to unveil this prototype for the first time during Eurobike on the PINION booth located in Hall 12.0 Booth B18. Initiated more than 2 years ago and now…

Another award for Moustache J

After clinching the Eurobike Gold Award, the German Design Award and the Design & Innovation Award, Moustache J now adds another feather to its cap by securing the world-renowned Gold iF Design Award! The jury released the following statement regarding…

Moustache Lundi 27.6

Lundi 27 is the first Moustache bike we’ve designed! The brand’s iconic and emblematic model! Elegant, comfortable, practical, easy to use and with the famous Moustache handlebar! The bike that takes care of its rider :-{D Since its creation, we’ve…

J Off heeft een Design & Innovation Award gewonnen!

De Design & Innovation Award (DI.A), georganiseerd sinds 2012, brengt zo’n dertig journalisten, ingenieurs of testers uit de fietsindustrie samen om elk jaar de meest succesvolle producten in de wielerwereld te belonen. De onpartijdigheid, de ernst in de uitvoering van…

J once again distinguished

After winning the Eurobike Gold Award last July, J’s design continues to impress the experts! This time, the jury for the highly demanding German Design Awards has crowned J for its excellence in terms of conception and design. The German…

Met deze tips laat je de auto zelfs in de winter thuis !

Koude, wind en regen zijn de grootste nachtmerrie van elke fietser. Maar zoals het gezegde onder doorgewinterde fietsers luidt: slecht weer bestaat niet, alleen slechte kleding ! Daarom enkele tips waarmee jij op alle omstandigheden voorbereid bent ! Draag de…