Cargo bikes deliver significantly faster, cheaper andcleaner than vans.

Cargo bikes are disrupting the business of last mile delivery. A new study shows that they are twice as efficient for urban delivery and 10 times cheaper to operate compared to vans. In addition, using cargo bikes will cut congestion and pollution dramatically.

New mobility plans that focus on traffic changes in favour of cargo bikes instead of vans, are a means for city governments of reducing pollution, CO2 emissions and congestion – making cities and neighbourhoods safer, greener and healthier. The current political agenda is pushing for the transition to cargo bikes in last mile delivery.

Up until now there has been a lack of data and studies from multiple cities that prove the benefits and the potential of cargo bikes in urban deliveries. However, a new case study is a pursuit in that direction: providing rigorous evidence.

The results are remarkable:
• A fleet of GPS-tracked cargo bikes delivered 10.1 packages per hour on average – twice as many as vans, which could deliver 4.9 packages per hour.
• When including both fixed and variable costs, each delivery cost €0.10 with a cargo bike, €1.10 with a small diesel van and €1.05 with a small electric van.
• Cargo bikes slash greenhouse gas emissions by 96-98% compared to vans.
The result of the study is not only relevant news for companies and organizations with delivery tasks. Ordinary consumers can note that if they live in an urban area, and travel to work every day – perhaps they drop their child off at day care or school as well – then they can save many hours of transportation per year using a cargo bike instead of a car. This also applies to other professionals who move a lot around the cities to carry out their jobs as plumbers, locksmiths, technicians, fitters, internet installers, craftsmen and so on.