43 New Products Honoured in Nine Categories

Frankfurt am Main – A high-profile expert jury awarded the Eurobike Award to a total of 43 innovative products and projects in the bike and future mobility sector, with twelve products receiving a special distinction. Around 300 submissions from 35 countries were assessed in a multi-stage selection process in nine categories according to criteria such as design, level of innovation, manufacturing quality and value for money. The winners will be honoured at an awards ceremony at the trade fair on 3 July 2024 and presented in a special exhibition. Special awards include the ‘Green Award’, the ‘Start Up Award’ and the ‘Gold Award’.

By recognising innovative bicycle types and components, advanced accessories and high-quality clothing, the Eurobike Award makes a significant contribution to the further development of new products in the bicycle and mobility industry and their successful positioning on the market. Particularly against the backdrop of global challenges such as climate change, digitalisation, urbanisation and demographic change, the award-winning innovations are crucial elements in advancing the mobility transition.

‘This year’s submissions once again show the direction in which the global bicycle and mobility industry is developing. The impressive innovations of the Eurobike Awards represent tangible solutions for accelerating the mobility transition in the field of ecomobility, and furthermore, demonstrate how convincingly the bicycle product excels in various segments,’ says Dirk Heidrich, Eurobike project manager at fairnamic GmbH, which once again cooperated with the German Design Council as an experienced design and brand authority in Germany.

Jury of Experts Honours 43 Innovative Products

This year, the independent jury of experts presented a total of 43 innovative awards in the nine categories of bicycles, e-bikes, light electric vehicles up to 45 km/h, micro electric vehicles, components, accessories, clothing and accessories, digital solutions and mobility solutions and infrastructure. In a two-stage selection process, the international experts from the bicycle, mobility and design industries assessed the submissions according to criteria such as degree of innovation, functionality, design, manufacturing quality and choice of materials as well as sustainability.

This year, the submissions focused on improving technical performance and implementing sustainable solutions across various product categories. The range of innovative approaches is also evident in socially motivated projects, circular solutions, and highly functional modifications of existing systems. The jury placed particular emphasis on the degree of innovation, functionality, ecological and social sustainability, as well as design considerations during the evaluation process.

This year’s jury members:

  • Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Hübler, Chair of Intelligent Machine Systems, Mittweida University of Applied Sciences
  • H. David Koßmann, Editor-in-Chief ‚fahrstil. Das Radkulturmagazin‘
  • Maike Larschow, Head of Sales ‘Rad & Tour Cuxhaven’
  • Daniel Rese, Designer and Research Associate at the Offenbach Institute for Mobility Design (OIMD) at the Offenbach University of Art and Design
  • Warren Rossiter, Senior Technical Editor ‘bikeradar’
  • Sabine Spitz, Olympic Champion, two-time World Champion, four-time European Champion and 20-time German Champion in mountain biking
  • Christian Zanzotti, Designer, Zanzotti Industrial Design
  • Dirk Zedler, Graduate Engineer, Zedler Institut für Fahrradtechnik und -Sicherheit GmbH

Companies from the bicycle and mobility industry, designers and developers are invited to take part in the Eurobike Award every year – regardless of whether they are exhibitors at the leading trade fair Eurobike.

The winners will be announced during Eurobike on 3 July 2024 at 5:30 p.m. in Hall 8 on the Yellow Stage and exhibited during the trade fair.

Award Ceremony: 3 July 2024, 5:30 p.m., Hall 8, Yellow Stage O02, Messe Frankfurt

Information Eurobike Award https://eurobike.com/frankfurt/en/topics-and-programme/eurobike-award.html